A green school provides environment-centric learning opportunities
Lalit Kishore

A school is more than a physical structure, facilities, timetable, textbooks and teaching-learning material. In fact, the school is a web of relationships and interactions between school and environment (physical, natural and socio-cultural).
When environment is made to offer appropriate learning opportunities, space and time for students to gather firsthand experience and learn from, we make learning environment centric.
Interactive activity or direct experience with some aspect of environment: natural, physical, social, economical, technological and development > Reflection on the experiences to make connections and inter-linkages to construct knowledge > Codification (textual, visual, numerical codes) of learning or constructed knowledge > Practice of codified knowledge > Developing appropriate attitudes and behaviour through environmental action > Taking some positive actions for the environment for conservation and protection
According to a document of the NCERT, when in the school, environmental issues and concerns are effectively addressed when all efforts of the staff, students, stakeholders and community are geared towards adopting environmentally sustainable principles at all levels, from planning and decision-making to their execution in the school’s functioning as a part of the daily routine, it becomes a Green School.