A write-up “A SKETCH NOTE ON POSITIVE EDUCATION” of this blogger, Dr Lalit Kishore, currently associated with Disha Foundation in Jaipur, was posted at vdocuments.mx [1] is reproduced for dissemination.

- Positive education emphasizes the importance of promoting learners’ ability to learn concepts and apply higher order thinking skills to recreate information.
-At higher education level, individual learners should analyse experiences, access information and creatively reconstruct it along with developing problem solving and thinking skills. Further at higher education level, teachers are to encourage contact between students and faculty to access support,resources and strive for future goals,
- Also, learning assignments, group projects, group discussions and student seminars should be used as deliberate effort to develop reciprocity, mutuality, team spirit and cooperation among students.
-Teachers are required to develop and use learning material related to various topics leading to self-study habits.
- Respect for learner diversity and inclusion principle leading to understanding the major learning of students and their contexts to adapt learning materials and teaching techniques play central role to make positive education effective. Lecture method is avoided as far as possible.