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  • Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

ABCs of 360-degree review and corrective feedback

It is being proposed that learning ought to be multiple intelligence based. Converting information into ABC verses or poems is one of the ways to enhance our intelligence.

It has been found that de-structuring information and restructuring it into a new format enhances cognitive competencies.

While learning about educational management, to enhance my intelligence, I created the following ABC poem to understand the concept by converting prose-type text to poetic-type text in the form of ABC poem to be recited loud.

Creating a GIF as a visual representation of the concept enhanced my visual intelligence.

ABC verse on 360-degree review

A: All-round objective or non-judgmental review process for improvement and capacity building

B: Behaviour and performance review which from downward, upward, lateral peer evaluation and self-evaluation

C: Comparing and contrasting assessment from multiple view-points for affirmative action

D: Developmental purpose towards agreed organisational objectives and professional work objective or building professional skills

E: Exclusively formative in nature to build strength of functionaries and the organization

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