Many social scientists, educational activists and meaningful thinkers feel that education has been privatized, commoditized and commercialized to such an extent that even the government educational schemes and policies have become the part of ponzi economy perpetuated by the rich and high.
Read the following sketch note carefully to make a sense on ponzi schemes

The government and public sectors have shrunk and are likely to become non-existent soon . Even social service and community work have been corporate-rized and entrepreneur-ized for advertising and direct control.of the public by the private sector.
ABC Poem on Ponzi Education
A: Arranging investment by a group (initial investors) with heavy returns from clients projected as new investors
B: Branding and brand value building through ads, attractive facile logos, and catch phrases on everything connected with education including school items, uniforms, books, stationery
C: Creating pre-paid and packaged services through privatization including education to project high level of comforts and conveniences in the name of quality and standardization at place of study
D: Development inputs in the name of value addition and and indulging in pressure selling
E: Externalization, commoditization, digitization of learning and commercialization of education through coaching, glamorous ponzi awards for a few, poor on-line teaching, franchise and voucher systems of education