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  • Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

Adapted & assisted Falun Dafa as gentle exercises can be used as physical therapy for CWSN

Updated: Nov 12, 2021

Rooted in Buddhist traditions, Falun Dafa (FD), consist of meditation and flowing gentle exercises. "My experience of working for children with learning disabilities and hyper-activity shows that assisted Falun Dafa when therapeutically used has the calming effect and self-awareness enhancement effect. Initially one must design three to five FDs for hands and fingers to have kinesthetic benefits as well as mental well-being effects," says Dr Lalit Kishore researcher in education therapy at Disha foundation in Jaipur.

The therapist must himself practice and imbibe three main Buddhist values, namely, Truth, Compassion or Empathy, and Forbearance. It is an energy healing technique, the therapist is required to have a purity of mind. The movement of body limbs and hands should slow and smooth.

Research has shown that FD exercises when practiced initially under the guidance of an expert or certified therapist, they enhance coordination skills, improve fine motor skills, heighten self-awareness skills, reduce mental stress, better physical health as well as developing cognitive skills.

For children with special needs, they are needed to manipulated like puppets with lump arms by the certified therapist and trained caregiver.

The inset picture shows the final posture after slow and smooth raising of hands.

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