It has been found that the crunch core exercises used for training and toning up abdominal muscles such as muscles of trunk, pelvis, lower back, and hips; stabilize body and make person graceful in daily life.
However, the adaptation of crunch exercises for the tree fingers (thumb, pointer and middle finger) of dominant hand are useful for dysgraphic children as well as those who have poor handwriting or suffer from hand tremor. Even those who do writing or typing work must do finger crunch exercises
The following exercises can be tried for mild and moderate dysgrahics
-putting the three fingers at the edge of the table and tapping them successively ten times
-finger walking of hand with thumb and pointer finger
-finger walking of hand with pointer and middle fingers
-tapping middle finger with pointer finger back
-clicking the middle and pointer fingers
Do these fine motor exercises 10 times in the morning and evening for two months to see the change in the writing speed and writing structure