The scribe and citizen journalist Dr. Lalit Kishore at Merinews in his article of 20 March, 2018 "International Day of Happiness: Are senior citizens happy in our country?" stated that the administrative sensitivities towards economic security and protection of human rights of citizens raise happiness index of a country,
His article from the portal which has been closed down is being reproduced here around the observance held in 2022, which goes as follows.
“I was moved by newspaper coverage on the front page of Rajasthan Patrika on the woes of pensioners and provident fund contributors in both the organised and un-organised sectors leading to unhappiness among the retired people, senior citizens and causal workers due to to economic insecurity and loss of human dignity purported to be basic human rights. The story had appeared on the eve of International Day of Happiness on Monday.
The investigative news story has found that common complaint of retired employees is that many times even running from pillar to post does not lead to any concrete action leading to depression and helplessness. Social activist Poornima has quoted saying that it is the duty of the government to ensure economic security and dignity of life for every citizen.
Bhutan bases its development on Gross Happiness Index and the countries like Denmark, Netherlands, Australia and Singapore have a lot of social and administrative sensitivities towards economic security of citizens and their human rights are protected.
Even the social security of senior citizens is in shambles since working and career driven children do not have any time to take of them.
Retirement and the old age are needed to made happy since the transitional periods of ones life and require security and proper planning and action to take charge of ones own life. In this period of ones life, a balance has to be struck between the resources and activities to live well through it and with human dignity intact.
In the old age, one needs to learn certain things afresh and acquire new skills, attitudes and socialization norms. It is that stage of life, which one needs to be educated about and adapt, rather than being dependent on the ones grown up children and they have expectations from them.
According to Dr Miriam Stoppard, the author of the book The Best Years of Your Life, in the old age or post-retirement period, the planning should be keeping in view the following aspects:
An assessment of income and assets to provide for the old age
Possibilities of the use of the acquired skills, professional contacts and social relationships
Identification of requisite physical comforts and health
Identification of leisure time activities to provide a feeling of usefulness, achievement and happiness
A planed continuation of some of the earlier activities and acquisition of new interests can form the basis of transition to the old age.
Stoppard further adds that the increased opportunity for personal outlets often provides the emotional stability in the old age.
For human beings, the life and learning cannot be separated. One needs to learn how to live his or her old age. So, learn, plan and execute your old age to live it meaningfully.