World Kidney Day is held on the second Thursday in March (March 11 in 2021) every year to raise awareness about the importance of kidney health and highlight the risk factors contributing to chronic kidney disease.
Kidneys - the bean-shaped organs located under ribs, one on each side - work as body's blood filter by removing waste products and regulating blood pressure, and producing critical life-sustaining hormones, kidneys are two bean-shaped organs located under a person's rib, one on each side.
According to biologists, kidneys perform the following functions.
· Excreting body waste and excess fluid through urine
· Optimization of the composition of blood by making red blood cells
· Keeping bones strong
The health care of kidneys is important since breakdown in the functioning of the kidneys can lead to poor health and fatal at times.
ABCs of health kidneys
A. Active life style
B. Blood sugar levels and blood pressure be kept optimal
C. Check out your weight
D. Dietary control and medication with early detection along with dialysis
E. Exercising daily
Therefore, we need to understand importance of kidney health by adopting right and healthy lifestyle