Be nice to the nerds, for all you know they might be the next Bill Gates!
Happy Geek Pride Day!
Lalit Kishore [1]
Reproduced from Scratchmysoul.com : May 25, 2013 12:16 PM
A geek is a person who is crazy about a thing - computer, technology, hobby, novelty or any other thing that fancies him or her. To ordinary people, a geek is a bit funny or socially inept person doing something uncanny. To me geek is an interesting person with an eccentric devotion to a particular interest and it would be better to call him or her a 'nerd'.
However, some extraordinary things have done geeks and they are being called technology hobbyists. Now the geeks of the world have collectivized and globally celebrate Geek Pride Day on May 25 each year.
The observance is an initiative to promote geek culture since 2006 to commemorate the release of the first Star Wars film, The first worldwide celebration took place in Spain through the internet but now has spread all over the world.
If you are a technology addict, throw off the shackles of scorn and celebrate your great Geekiness today. For a geek, the glass is neither half-full nor half-empty: it's twice as big as it needs to be. "Nerds are the strongest people in the world. Too bad our strength is in our brains," remarks a nerdy birdy.
Geekiness is something that Archimedes did whilst running naked in the streets of Syracuse shouting EUREKA! – after discovery buoyancy in a bath tub leading solving a riddle.
Perhaps it is because of the “geeks”, we have reached where we are today. Their contribution to the civilization is unique & unparallel. Long live the Geek -Nani Manna
