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Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

Child Psychology: Understanding childhood for better care and education

Note: Here is a reproduced article for dissemination since the portal on which it had originally appeared has been closed.

Source: Kishore, L. (2013). “Understanding childhood”,, November 14


Most educators and psychologists feel that childhood is the time for children to be with the family, in school and at play, to learn, socialize, grow and be empowered with the love and encouragement of their family, teachers and an extended community of caring adults. But, market forces, internet, video games, ICTs, mobile phones and television are destroying children's street culture or spirit of social space.

We are turning our children into little adults by treating childhood as life span between birth and adolescence to be driven by externalizations rather than a time to live childhood and grow with joyful activities and learn as well as socialize through them.

Despite intellectual debates and differences about the definition of childhood, there exists a good amount of shared understanding which has been summarised in the form of a sentence acrostic.

CHILDHOOD: A sentence acrostic

C: Chronological period between birth and adolescence for

H: Happy and healthy development of

I: Individuals in a loving and supportive social environment to

L: Learn through play, pranks, joy, buddy feeling, hands-on acts,

D: Drama, fantasy and creativity for developing

H: Head, heart and hands by providing

O: Opportunities and

O: Occasions that are

D: Decided upon rationally and devised reflectively.

Here are a few quotes on childhood to mull over.

"Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies.” ― Edna St. Vincent Millay

“[Kids] don't remember what you try to teach them. They remember what you are.” ― Jim Henson

“Adults are just obsolete children and the hell with them.” ― Dr. Seuss

“Grownups are complicated creatures, full of quirks and secrets.” ― Roald Dahl

“It's never too late to have a happy childhood.” ― Tom Robbins

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