Two children - Margie and Tommy - born in world of the future - studying in virtual classroom in 2157 - wherein robot-teachers teach - computers dominate everything – tele-books used - text and pictures in motion on screen.
Margie wrote in her diary about how Tommy found a book – that belonged Tommy’s to their grandfather when he was a little kid – the book was in print - in paper-back format.
Books were read with the feeling of turning pages - Margie and Tommy found it rather funny – they had tele-books in which text and pictures moved - books are being stored in computers and digital devices
Margie learns that schools then were very different - actual persons or human teachers then taught kids - Now she has only robots which teach her.
Margie and Tommy study in a virtual classroom. - robots as teachers - her Margie’ virtual school is next to her bedroom only - full of electronics devices, robots, and gadgets - computer software teaches her everything – no classmates and no playground
She starts wondering - cannot help but think about her grandparents’ days that full of fun with other kids from neighbourhood – education was social process of learning from human teachers – fellow students helped one another in doing homework – she kept wondering about the fun earlier children had.
Micro-learning planning may be as follows
First Day
Teacher must present the outlines in 10 minutes
Then do the following picture reading
Thereafter there should be loud reading of one to two pages with homework sheets on word puzzles and grammar task
On alternate days comprehension passage be given with questions and answers to be filled in blank lines
On the last day of the lesson the homework should doing the exercises given at the end of lesson in fair assessment.