"Col Ashok Mor is appointed as Principal & Director of Motilal Nehru School of Sports Rai, by Haryana Govt . His experience will be an asset for quality education and sports to students," stated Pankaj Nain IPS @ipspankajnain
The news of appointment of Lt Col Ashok Mor, an advocate of 'Rai Spirit' which he continues to live by, as P & D has heartened the alumni of MNSS, Rai. During his tenour at IIT, Kanpur, he had been inviting Ex-Raist for motivational talks and workshops on leadership (See Collage). As P & D of the institution, he would revive the 'Urdhavo Bhav' spirit and bring back the glory of the institution with Ex-Raist as stakeholders and supporters of the 'Rai Spirit'.
According to him, the motivational talks and leadership workshops by individuals who struggled against odds and persevered to succeeed always offer an inspiring voice and a novel approaches to life through their success stories to draw on.
This scribe, an Ex-Teacher of MNSS, Rai, was invited by him to a leadership workshop at IIT Kanpur, and spoke on on the topic "Leading from Behind."
Here is abstract of the talk:
"Dr. Lalit Kishore, while speaking at a workshop on leadership at Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, on November 9, 2019, emphasised that leadership was innate in humans needed to be fostered and developed through process based facilitative learning; practice of pro-social skills; participative strategic action planning and execution to achieve a shared goal of the organisation which was invariably situational and contextual.
Dr Kishore, who is currently working a Disha Foundation in Jaipur, defined leadership as a participatory process with a shared vision to carry out teamwork under the guidance of a functionary made responsible for the collective action.
He reinforced the concept with a non-poem which went as follows: Leadership is / A process/ In the here-n-now / For success / Through team work / Along with /An academic pursuit / For strategising actions / And action learning / With validity. Leaders're often thrown / Into situations / Or contexts / And must act / By unifying a group / To achieve / A common goal / 'N a shared vision.
He batted for ‘leading from behind’ style of leadership which is a dynamic leadership with well crystallised common goal to be accomplished by concerted strengths and efforts of all team members as solution providers or innovators to take the mission of the organization forward with optimal results.
The skills set of critical thinking, creative thinking, design thinking, relationship building, positive communication skills are required to be honed by a leader to be effective leader, it was articulated.
In the workshops, coordinated by Col. Ashok Mor. Guest speakers Medha Shri, Sunil Dagar, Anupam Shrivastava and Mahendra Jakhar addressed the participants on various aspects of leadership who were the members of NCC unit at IIT-Kanpur."
