Philip Harris has been sponsoring Commonwealth Awards instituted by Commonwealth Association of Science, Mathematics and Technology Educators (CASTME) since 2018. The 2020 awardees were announced at the 2021 ASE Annual Conference by Sir John Holman, emeritus professor of chemistry at the University of York and president of the Association for Science Education (ASE).

Established in 1974, the awards focus on highlighting educational projects from across the Commonwealth. The Findel CASTME Education Award for 2020 has been awarded to Sri Lanka’s Sarath Premawardana for his project “Science Laboratory and Science Museum in Panadura".
The recipients of the Findel CASTME Community Awards are Professor Ibiyinka Ogunlade (Nigeria) and Dr Lalit KIshore (India) for promoting process based science learning at school level.
It has been announced that the 2021 FINDEL CASTME Awards are now open with an addition of a new award, the Findel CASTME Protect our Planet Award. This new award is aimed at STEM projects which focus on the sustainable development goals such as Climate Action (SDG13) and Responsible Consumption (SDG12).
The 2021 Award submissions (deadline:31st October; ) entries should be submitted to are open to nurseries, schools and educational establishments as well as community groups and projects should be focussed on the subjects of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).
(Introducing the 2020 CASTME Awards recipients; Published on 26-01-2021 in International Schools)