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  • Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

Danger School: A review non-poem

Danger School is a cartoon book on the ways by which schools are being privatized and corporaterized to turn education into a commodity for ruthless profit making and are subverting society and individuals as human beings both.

Many serious educators have rated the book as the best cartoon critique of the decaying education system.

After reading the book, which has been illustrated by lead political cartoonist Claudius of Brazil, I have written the following non-poem which cam been seen as the review of the book


A school becomes

A ‘Danger School’ –DS

When it doesn’t pay attention

To fostering self-awareness

To nurturing pro-social skills

Of caring, sharing and participation

With a sense of mutuality

With a sense of good-feel proximics

For self-development

In a conducive social environment

That respects diversity of each child

To design differentiated learning


A DS when treats

Pampering as a potent tool

To retain children

To entertain children

Through edutainment

Through communtainment

By copying and mimicking

Through competition and talentism

To tout individual achievement

Of a few students as school’s achievements -

It becomes a exploitative-arrogant Rogue school – RS


Some clever gimmickry spinners

Have turned education

Into commodity

With makeover of schools

Into glamorous malls

For clients to be in-n- around

And, pay as well

To enjoy self-destruction

Through gratification of lower instincts

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