A focus group discussion was held (N=3, 2 hrs; Prof Des Vij, Dr Lalit Kishore, Bavneet Taneja) on training as a tool to improve teachers in the first week of December. The precepts of teaching, training and learning were crystallized.
On-going and periodic training was viewed as central to quality teaching.
The discussion has been summarized as the following non-poem and inset training framework

Teachers must continually learn
The science, art and craft
Of teaching
For being the change
For being life-long student of pedagogy
Institutions must
Invest in teachers' development
Prepare and pep-up teachers
To become co-participants in learning
Enable teachers
To become facilitators
Of students' innate learning
To set example
For change in themselves
A learner-teacher
A reflective teacher
A self-motivated teacher
Loves learning-n-learners
Science of teaching -
Experimenting, discovering, exploring, innovating
Creating conditions for learning
Organizing processes of learning
Making learning happen
Craft of teaching
Designing learning material
Honing effective multi-modal communication
Making evaluation formative
Art of teaching
Professionalizing teaching
Practicing self-renewal
