Dr Lalit Kishore, Jaipur-baed educator and researcher, who worked as visiting faculty at the Plenum School, Himachal Pradesh, for two months in two spells, has been awarded the Findel-CASTME Award, which was announced at the conference of Association of Science Education held at UK’s Sheffield Hallam University from 5th to 7th January 2023. Dr Kishore is one of the five recipients of the award for his innovative STEAM education project out the entrants from 54 Commonwealth countries.

The e-Newsletter of Commonwealth Association of Science, Technology and Mathematics Educators (CASTME), in its issue number 20 of January 2023, informs that the certificate of comendation is awarded to dr Lalit Kishore, The Plenum School, India, for the entry “Towards Reusing Plastic Trash of School and Nearby Villages for ‘STEAM’ Education related to Climate Change Awareness and Sustainabilty.”
During his stay at the Plenum School during 2022, Dr KIshore also produced micro-learning based instructional material in science (https://www.slideshare.net/LalitKishore18/edit_my_uploads ) and co-authored with Principal Umang a research paper on art-integrated learning of physics which was presented during a conference held in Chandigarh. Further, he wrote an article on this subject and blogged it (https://lalitculp.wixsite.com/website/post/art-day-special-art-integrated-learning-and-pedagogy-can-lead-to-equitable-inclusive-education)
