Spiritual intelligence is viewed as an ability of creative, lateral and open-ended thinking to seek knowledge about philosophical and existential or non-materialistic aspects of life through exploration and learning about the higher conscious levels and human virtues/ values as life's purpose.
It is being held that education can be planned to develop spiritual or existential intelligence since the thinking skills sets have been identified for it by the Multiple Intelligence Theory of Learning propounded by .
It's a commodity
Sold for enhancing marks
Through question-answer formats
And rote learning
For nano-term memory
To crack an exam
To steer clear through screening
For a job
For where-withal
To live like an animal
As wasted humans
As mind-less and soul-less beings
As fallen divines
Humans have infinite potential
In body, mind and spirit
To know self, world and supreme self
And, education is -
For humans and not vice-versa
Humans are self-on-self beings
Meant to foster and nurture
Their innate multiple potentials
By creating education system
For this very purpose.