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  • Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

Education therapy based micro lessons on doodle art have positive effect on CWSN: Lesson Study

A news story published in Meri News "Psychological Science Congress in Chandigarh to be marked with special workshops along with usual paper presentations" is being reproduced to highlight the efficacy of doodle art as education therapy for enhancing coordination skills of children with special needs.

This year (2018), the Psychological Science Congress is going to be organized at Panjab University, Chandigarh on the theme "Peace & Well Being: Manifestation across Age and Culture" from October 26 to 28.

The special feature of the conference this time is in the form of two workshops for the teachers and students along with the presentation of papers, posters and keynote addresses.

For the Teachers & Students, workshops mentors are Dr Dean Van Leuven, Founder President, World Emotional Literacy League, USA; Dr Murari Prasad Regmi Former Prof & Head, Central Dept of Psychology, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu; and Dr DM Basnet Founder President, World Without Anger.

Another workshop for the professional will be on "Clinical Hypnotherapy: A Visit to the Subconscious Mind" by Dr S Kadhiravan, Professor from Periyar University, Salem-Tamil Nadu.

From Jaipur, a team of three researchers, Dr Lalit Kishore, Alka Awasthi and Varsha Tikkiwal from Disha Foundation have contributed the research abstract " Bringing education therapy in the classroom of children with special needs: a lesson study on doodling and its decoration as therapeutic tool for motor coordination improvement" for the conference.

"Keeping in view the roles of education therapy along with designed intervention as per the diagnosed challenges of children with special needs and positive psychology elements of care, optimism, perseverance and patience, a 30-minute lesson was prepared with the stakes of two research fellows and a special educator and its transaction," states the abstract.

The lead researcher states, "Since, the lesson was used as an education therapy; the procedures for its transaction and study were tuned to the therapeutic principles through discussion and rehearsal. The material used was the photocopied sheets of doodle outline and a legend for patterns in a box. The classroom (N=5; multiple disabilities, single educator) process making use of doodling and its pattern decoration followed three stages, namely, demonstration by the special educator followed by supportive learning and individual work."

Under the present intervention research, for deep learning, the sheets were given to children for supported practice by caregivers and individual practice at home. The reflective group discussion by the three stakeholders in the lesson led to bettering the lesson plan and preparing a 10 hour therapeutic intervention and also improved the classroom practice of the special educator and led to gaining insights into education as a therapeutic tool as revealed by group discussion.

The citation is also available at GOOGLE SCHOLAR at following link:

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