In the fag-end of 2021, in the reopened schools, there has little evidence of corona virus being transmitted in children with safety norms in place.
Different areas/councils have opted for reopening the schools in phased manners by ensuring safety measures.
The schools were allowed to have their own plans for running the schools. Many schools had opted for 'a week-on and a week-off' schedule in the west.
Some important guidelines are as follows
Teaching an adapted 'broad and balanced curriculum'
Organising the school days with prescribed safety norms
Staggering start and finish times of the school
Minimising the number of contacts each pupil has during the day by putting classes into ‘protective bubbles’
Avoiding whole school assemblies or collective prayers /worship
However, it was advised that the mobile testing unit may be called for child reported with symptoms for testing the child and others in the class including the teacher and then the whole school if necessary. S

chools have been asked to have a home-working plan for the affected children.
Read the inset visual thoroughly for the reason for reopening of the schools.