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  • Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

Essence of Buddhism this Buddha Purnima or Vesak Day amid second surge of Covid pandemic

Updated: May 24, 2021

In 2021, Vesak Day is going to be celebrated on May 26.

Leaders have called upon the followers of Buddhism to celebrate the Vesak Day or Buddha Purnima festival at their respective homes in view of the lock-down caused by second surge of COVID-19 pandemic

Buddha Purnima or Vasak Day is related to the birth, enlightenment and passing away of Gautama Buddha in 563 BC.

The Buddha did not believe in the existence of God and Buddhism does not subscribe for theistic world view.

The great teachings of the Buddha are meant to liberate sentient beings from strife and suffering.

Here are some haiku that convey the essence of the teachings of the Buddha.


Freedom from desires

Equanimity, calm mind,

Compassion are aims


Go for equity

Seek welfare of whole mankind

For peace to prevail


Live your transient life

With empathy and harmomy

Harm-hurt no one


Nothing is certain

We and the world are transient

Cause and effect rules

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