Across the globe, various National Curriculum Frameworks of Teacher Education; the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education; education as a welfare activity; the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 4: Ensure quality education for all, educational policies emphasise that 'continuous teacher training has a crucial role to play in the overall framework of quality education.' Consequently, both the examination boards and education systems including schools organise needs-based trainings to improve competence of teachers and improve classroom processes for enhancing learning outcomes.
According to the CBSE, continuous / periodic in-service teacher training programmes for Teachers is foundation on which a quality education system rests The Board and schools are required to aim at improving teacher quality. For this the Board is committed to make provisions for various training programmes for teachers and principals to enhance their ‘understanding of curriculum and delivery mechanism and other professional qualities.’
Through a cascade mode, the Board selects and trains master trainers and mentors for ensuring the benefits of these programmes to percolate down to all the teachers and students in the schools.
Training's over-arching aim to build capacity of teachers to play varied and distinct roles of
· Curriculum designer and pedagogues
· Developer/adapter of instructional materials,
· Facilitator of curriculum transaction in schools in a child centered manner,
· Becoming resourceful idea generators, mentors of peer teachers
· Appraiser of performances given by students in an objective and humane way.
Tainting as a mission consists of the following action
· Creating situations and affording opportunities where all teachers are able to get the best possible professional preparation and support for
· Updating their pedagogical skills which results in quality teachers for all levels of education to render optimum benefit to all students of schools affiliated to CBSE
To organize empowerment and capacity building programmes at regular intervals for the teachers and principals to equip them with the competencies such as
· Using technology tools effectively;
· Applying appropriate pedagogic techniques to make learning process
· Connected with real life,
· Based on positive psychology
· Bettering learning outcomes
· Proving joy of learning
· Life and soft skills emphasis such as active communication skills to deal with the needs of the learners and the society effectively
Effective training mechanism objectives
• To carry out need analysis to plan and organize capacity building and empowerment programmes
• To collaborate with and empanel national/international institutes of repute to provide quality teacher/principal training programmes
• To strengthen the leadership skills, conflict resolution, interpersonal relations and management of values and ethics to promote managerial excellence of head teachers, administrators and managers of schools
• To undertake action research for development of innovative methods, processes and practices for improving of teaching-learning environment in schools
• To conduct effectively Induction, Mentoring and Capacity Building Programmes for head and other teachers
• To organize National Conferences and provide other interactive platforms for heads to freely interact
• To create opportunities for teachers and student to participate in conferences, summits and exchanges for sharing good practices