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Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

Feminize school education for more equitable higher STEM education and societal harmony

"We need to feminize education by giving equal value to female traits and sensitivities which are contained in the right hemisphere of the brain.The current emphasis on linear logical thinking, competitive learning environment and structure of disciplinary content have masculinized education. The problem of masculinization of content structure and delivery is more pronounced in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in which education disparities and inequities are well-trenched even in western countries despite more girls entering in higher education," that's what states this blogger

My experience of working on gender and social equity in Lok Jumbish Project in Rajasthan (India) informs that feminizing education with a balance of social pedagogy and instructional pedagogy of group learning and vertical grouping leads to equitable education. Now, it is well evident that equitable education leads to girls' delayed initiation of sexual activity, ending of child marriages, and furtherance in first childbirth. Feminized education being empowering leads to girls' enhanced civic participation and social equity (see inset clipping)[1]

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