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  • Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

For acquiring scientific temper objective knowledge of natural world and self-knowledge be combined

"The need of the hour is to develop scientific temper through maintaining a healthy and encouraging relationship between the teachers and their students, and by group discussions and interesting practical projects, so as to focus not only on the objective knowledge but to gain subjective knowledge," Dr. Lalit Kishore said in his key note address on the occasion of two-day event 'National Teacher's Science Conference-2003' at India International School (IIS). Jaipur.

The Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of Rajasthan and the Science Club of IIS jointly organised the event on 9th and 10th April, 2003 which was inaugurated by the Chief guest Shri Madhav Singh Deewan, Minister, Science and Technology, Govt. of Rajasthan.

The focal theme of the conference was 'Scientific Temper through Innovative Practices'. One of the main motivation behind the conceptualising and organisation of the Teacher's Science Conference was to demonstrate the viability of an alternative mode 'Learning and Teaching by Doing' to help in inculcation of the scientific Temper, it was stressed.

“The conference provided an opportunity to learn developing Scientific Temper through curriculum, through co-curricular activities, through school management and using environment as laboratory for the same,” stated the organizers of the event.

Note: Earlier published in slideshare

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