Work of Kishore, this blogger, has been cited in research on gender equity in education, who holds that gender equity in education is meant to assume gender as a diversity to contextualize, individualize and optimize learning potential of all females and males without limitations of patriarchal gender-prescribed social roles and sex-stereotyping of academic subjects, especially the STEM subjects.
Citing Kishore’s work “Forging Strong School-Community Links for Gender Equity in Rural Areas,” Anuradha (2013) [1] states that gender equity is the measurable equal representation of women and men with equal value and equal treatment in her paper “Gender Equity in Secondary Education in Rural India: Issues and Perspective.”
Kishore (2020) [2] in 'Humanism treats both men and women as humans - equally valued members of humanity' holds, "Humanism treats all humans as equally important members of the larger humanity and never talks about who is superior or inferior. In true spirituality all human beings are treats as souls and a part of the supreme soul." While proposing humanism as philosophical foundation of gender equity, he explains significance of equitable education with the haiku: Gender equity -/ Corner stone of fair and just life / Act of inclusion.
[1] Anuradha, R. V. (2013). Gender Equity in Secondary Education in Rural India: Issues and Perspective
[2] KIshore, L. (2020). 'Humanism treats both men and women as humans - equally valued members of humanity
