Google urges people to follow strictly preventive measures against Covid-19 through animated doodle

The internet search engine giant Google, through an animated doodle on June 22, has once again urged people to for preventive measures for war against COVID-19 pandemic which continues to ravage the globe.
The slogan the doodle is “Wear a Mask. Save Lives” and urged that since COVID-19 continued to impact communities around the world, we needed to stop the spread by finding a local vaccine site and following usual steps of prevention.
Here are my spiritual haiku on prevention as penance
Learn to make right choice
Treatment never ends disease
Prevention does so
Practice prevention
Be pre-emptive - that's Right Karma
To end the cause
Prevention - right choice
Say firm no to Bad Karma -
Cause of ill-effects
Prevention's penance
Strive, persevere to hone it
Prevention's divine
Diseases can rarely be eliminated through early diagnosis or good treatment, but prevention can eliminate disease. ~Denis Parsons Burkitt
He who cures a disease may be the skillfullest, but he that prevents it is the safest physician. ~Thomas Fuller
Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them. ~Albert Einstein
One of the best aspects of health care reform is it starts to emphasize prevention. ~Anne Wojcicki
One of the problems of our society is that we spend too much time thinking about punishment and not enough about prevention. ~Roy Hattersley
Prevention is so much better than healing because it saves the labor of being sick.~Thomas Adams
Prevention is the daughter of intelligence. ~Walter Raleigh
Treatment without prevention is simply unsustainable. ~Bill Gates
True prevention is not waiting for bad things to happen, it's preventing things from happening in the first place. ~Don McPherson