A focus group was held with five teachers with science and computer science background, but teaching at primary ans pre-primary level, for one hour at the Chaksu (Jaipur)-based office, the analysis of interaction led to following points to provide a shape for curriculum for the children in age group three to eight years.
Make learning open-ended through children's questions by making use of scientific processes like exploration, investigation, experimenting, model making (both still and working ones) to get deep understanding real life and activities og daily life of children
In early childhood education make activities of daily life and sensory experiences as ways to STEM learning
Setting up toy libraries, STEM big book libraries, play material libraries in pre-primary and primary schools, resources access internet links
Conducting mother-and-child trainings in digital literacy as community based learning
Promoting action learning and intervention-cum-action research related to real life situations among primary teachers teachers to promote professionalism in STEM instruction
Orient STEM education to digital technology, interdisciplinary approaches, multiculturalism, employable skills and global perspectives.
Make STEM content learning experiential, multi-intelligence based with higher order thinking skills and communication skills including ITC aspects
The relevant STEM pedagogy is child-centered, scientific, inquiry-based and problem solving in daily life situation
Since digital technology, which is an combined effort of science, technology and math, has become integral part of day-to-day life of everyone including children right from their birth, it is desirable to learning through it and well its propre appropriate use
A consensus was reached that the inclusion of STEM literacy in childhood education should done in integrative-supplementary way where ever possible in the existing curriculum. However, the schools , community based groups and groups of teachers must work for 12-hour STEM-literacy skill modules for pre-primary and primary children as envisaged by National Education Policy..