On the fourth Sunday of September ( This year: September 27) each year. It is the day that celebrates the girl child. On this day parents appreciate their daughters and celebrate the gift of their existence. On this day society is urged to embrace social and gender equity.
"From a daughter we are given happy and beautiful memories of days before, the melodies of the heart in those moments of the present, and the hopeful expectations of what will be in the future," aptly says Byron Pulsifer
Here is a non-poem on significance of daughters and reverence for them.
Daughters -
Angels they are
To perpetuate
Unending love.
Teach humanity
To make shift
From living and livelihood
To life's purpose.
Daughters -
They are hope
They are promise
Of future
Of realizing aim of life.
Innocent giggles
Shoulder rides
Instil purpose of life -
Continuity of life
And, spirit of life.
Bequeath and render
To daughters
The spirit of reverence.