If you don't set a baseline standard for what you'll accept in life, you'll find it's easy to slip into behaviours and attitudes or a quality of life that's far below what you deserve. ~ Anthony Robbins
Once the project management plan is baselined, it may only be changed when a change request is generated and approved through the 'Perform Integrated Change Control' process. ~ PMBOK Guide (5th Edition)
The tasks that we studied varied considerably in their effects on the pupil. At baseline, our subjects were awake, aware, and ready to engage in a task - probably at a higher level of arousal and cognitive readiness than usual. ~Daniel Kahneman
We often gain awareness through a baseline comparison between now and next. ~Sharon Weil
B: Begin with current situation/present reality/context/status in target group by designing both qualitative and quantitative data collection tools
A: Assess the needs of the target group to be filled by the intervention
S: Scope of the study is described in terms of its context and relevance
E: Expected outcomes/ objectives/ features of the transformed reality are of the intervention stated in specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) format
L: Line up the study plan as an time-framed action plan to collect the data
I: Interpret and analyse the collected data to describe present reality in terms of specific need areas the intensity of the need
N: Narrate the recommendations in terms of filling the gaps between present reality and expected transformed reality of of the intervention
E: Evolve and develop a baseline report with summary, the research methodology, the procedure/plan of the study, findings, recommendations and the c