A discussion on learning outcome based education was held at Parishkar College, Jaipur, in which the the educational functionaries of erstwhile Lok Jumbish and Sandhan organizations that had successfully implemented the school level competency based education as well the college staff participated
The following points were made at the group discussion held on June 14. 2022
At higher education level, it is being suggested that the curriculum of a course of studies be stated in terms of learning outcomes. A 'Learning Outcome' is a curricular statement describing the specific, relevant and measurable / assessable mastered content knowledge, pedagogical experience and cognitive skill of higher orders such as critical thinking, creative thinking, problem solving, researching and reflection.
Often, course content is described in terms of learning outcomes reflect study skills, cognitive functions or competencies along with the mastery or criterion reference or self-referenced knowledge of the subject after classroom instruction.
While stating learning outcomes, it has been suggested that preferably a learning outcome should stated within 400 characters and follow the following three steps
Begin with a cognitive action verb (observable, specific and measurable; consult Bloom's list)
Include specific content key words
Terminate with 'learning experience label' / method
However, at the higher education level, the learning environment needs to emphasize self-awareness skills and social pedagogy (emotional, sense of belonging, mutually respectful relationships)