Many physicians, psychologists and common people are filled with severe anxiety owning to uncertainty about the COVID-19 with a lot of myths and misconceptions about the disease afloat.

It is being commonly felt that the everyday life has become a 'testing time filled with uncertainty' and lot of things have slipped away from control due to frequent lock downs and severe restrictions imposed by the rulers.
A good majority of people now feel that they are unable to cope up mentally with the hard and testing prolonged time of 'facing the unknown and invisible enemy' which is going to last of 2 to 3 years or even more.
Here is a limerick that testifies the case of an actor who took all the precautions along with all the available preventive and protective measures but fell prey to COVID-19 virus.
Here is case of actor Dhawan – artist with no fuss
Despite all the care, he fell prey to dreaded virus
"Nothing is certain in life," emphatically he says
Surely, not the COVID-Nineteen when it preys
Protection is only way if you’re safe life desirous