Jaipur based educator-researcher Dr Lalit Kishore has won the Commonwealth Award "The Findel CASTME Community Award 2024, Communicating Everyday Science" for his entry submitted to Commonwealth Association of Science, Technology, Mathematics Educators, London. The innovative entry "Initiating Pre-School Kids into Talking Science by Displaying and Demonstrating Sensory Development Activities at Annual Science Exhibition by Senior Students" describing the project done at Senior Secondary Girls Adarsh Vidya Mandir School, Jai Jawan Colony-3, Jaipur, has been chosen for the prestigious award for which the research reports are received from STEM educators from 53 counties.

Kathleen Nugent, Vice Chair CASTME, communicated to Dr Kishore, "I am delighted to let you know that the CASTME Trustees were unanimous in their decision to award the 'Findel CASTME Community Award 2024-Communicating Everyday Science' to Senior Secondary Girls Adarsh Vidya Mandir School, JJC-3, Jaipur-302018, India.
"The Awards will be formally announced in January 2025 at the ASE/Association for Science Education/Annual Conference and will also be publicized in the CASTME Newsletter and available to be used in Findel publicity material. The entry will also be available on the CASTME website," added Nugent.