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  • Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

Know about Zoroastrianism as Navroz is celebrated by Parsis in India : article

~Lalit Kishore

Some years ago, ahead of Nowruz, my article article was published in, which has closed down; however, the main message is reproduced through haiku that were included in the inset picture. The article was also shared by Redddit[1]

One of the readers commented, "I’m surprised by how excellent this article is. No pseudo-history or misinterpretation of theology (world’s first monotheism, etc) and concentrates on the ethical essentials. A great introductory article for those interested in worldview but not theology. I personally am a lover of our theology and our ethics united, though."

Navroz / Nowruz Haiku:

World is chaotic

Be ethical, moderate -

Ensure happiness

Revere water, fire -

Primordial elements of life

To protect nature

Make your soul flourish

Have noble aspirations

With just-n-fair gestures

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