In India, the Parsi New Year Day is being observed on August 16 this year (2022). The festival of Navroz, also known as Nowruz, is celebrated by the Paris across the world.
I wrote at scratchmysoul blog, with an acrostic which is being reproduced
Navroz is a pagan pastoral event that is celebrated by Parsis with a lot of enthusiasm from all over the world. On this day Parsis wear new clothes along with caps and silver kurtis and the festivities on this day symbolize happiness, harmony and amity.
Here is my acrostic on NAVROZ.
N: New Year occasion of Parsis to rekindle the faith that
A: Ahura Mazda, Wise Lord or 'Illuminating Wisdom' is all good and nothing
V: Vile or no evil originates from Him and He will
R: Renovate the world to make it perfect
O: Once again as per
Z: Zoroastrianism that considers Ahura Mazda is the beginning and the end and cannot be seen, the Eternal, the Pure and the only Truth.