Report: No Connection between Woman and Plans
-Dr. Lalit Kishore | 05 Sep 2009
While emphasizing the inclusion of women's view points and perspective on development, D. Jain says that a shift from 'planning for women' to 'planning with a women is required'.
The author, in her report published in Yojana periodical (No. 51) holds that the category 'women' is not homogenous and women are scattered across class, caste, religion and location etc. The need to brought together and identify is legitimate and necessary in planning any activity.
The report highlights the rural women's contribution in agriculture operation as follows.
Agricultural activity: Involvement (%)
Land preparation : 32
Seed cleaning and sewing : 80
Inter-cultivation activity : 86
Harvesting-related activities : 84%
The report also highlights the following points about women.
1. Women constitute poorest of the poor.
2. Women are more prone to HIV / AIDS
3. Women have the higher mortality rate.
The report urges the planners, and managers, decision makers and development consultants to keep women's perspective in planning in focus and also go for gender budgeting of various programmes.