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  • Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

Need to revive tug-of-war in schools to reap multiple benefits

Tug-of-war is a traditional game in which two teams contest by pulling a rope marked at the mid-point along opposite directions until one team drags the other over a central line.

It is a situation in which two evenly matched teams are involved struggling to keep oriignal position intact with the rope going under the arms.

The two main fouls in the game are as follows

Locking by lowering one's elbow below the knee

Pulling the rope over the shoulders


  • Provides quick fitness

  • Improves fine and gross motor skills of hands and arms

  • Improves coordination and synchronizing movements of pulling the rope, digging feet into ground, pushing forward the ground

  • Enhances mental endurance

In the schools, coaching on rope handling can be seen as moment therapy for physical and cognitive development of children.

Moreover, it can be be fun game and recreational activity during social gatherings as it was during ERA meet of the alumni Motilal Nehru School of Sports, Rai

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