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  • Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

On Desertification and Drought Day, UN Chief urges for a new contract for nature

"On this Desertification and Drought Day (June 17), I call for a new contract for nature. Through international action and solidarity, we can scale up land restoration and nature-based solutions for climate action and the benefit of future generations. By doing so, we can deliver on the Sustainable Development Goals and leave no one behind," stated UN Chief António Guterres in his released message

He added, "The health of humanity depends on the health of the planet. Today, our planet is ailing. Land degradation affects some 3.2 billion people. Seventy 70 per cent of the world’s land has been transformed by human activity. We can reverse this trend and bring solutions to a wide range of challenges, from forced migration and hunger to climate change."

"By restoring 100 million hectares of degraded land, food security is maintained, households kept afloat and jobs created. Such efforts bring back biodiversity, reduce the effects of climate change and make communities more resilient. All told, the benefits outweigh the costs ten-fold," he suggested.

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