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  • Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

On Reels platform of social media, simple drawing and jugaad posts are becoming popular

The Reels platform on social media is flooded with Jugaad products and Do-It-Yourself activities as videos and visual data. Earlier, Juggad products were visited and documents to be put on the internet. On reading my article in Merinews on-line periodical, which has been discontinued, Jaipur based reader Prabha Kishore had commented, "There is a need to document various jugaad products and ideas that have been tried out in various knowledge areas and link them soft sciences like psychology, sociology and management since such activities are also linked to quick-fix solutions and higher order thinking skills." However, now on Reels platform of facebook, these days a lot of posts on various judaads are available at data for research work

Here is the reproduced article:

Title: Jugaad', not only a management and engineering science jargon, but a serious research topic too By Dr. Lalit Kishore, Merinews, 13 July, 2015

The other day I received a phone call from a Jamshedpur-based research student, Akbar Chaturvedi - who is doing research on jugaad-related topics - to inquire about my knowledge about the work done in science teaching with odds and ends as jugaad. He was introduced to me by my sister-in-law living in the same city because of my interest in the subject.

Jugaad as a word was popularised by the vehicles made from pumps and engines in Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh that are being used to ferry passengers in the interior villages. Thereafter, India became a home of jugaads of all kinds like coffee machine made out of pressure cooker; sugar cane vending machine-cum-vehicle; old washing machines as huge lassi makers; bicycle-powered knife sharpening wheel and many more.

In FocusIn the interior villages in northern India, many enterprising people have now acquired a jugaad mindset and keep on innovating new uses of the existing technological resources.

With documentation of some of judaag case studies and frugal engineering skills exercised by Indian innovators, the 'jugaad as a concept' has entered the lexicon of western knowledge construction in engineering and management sciences. In India, jugaad culture has evolved out of 'necessity is mother of invention' premise.

The necessity often leads to improvisation and adaptability to suit the local context and needs. in India, in science teaching, noteworthy work has been done by Arvind Gupta of Pune through his book "kabaad se jugaad" and by this citizen journalist (Lalit Kishore) from Jaipur through his activity books like" jugaadi science pitari', 'activities with rubber bands', 'activities with crown caps', etc., that were brought out by DST, Chandigarh and KFI, Varanasi.

Working out solutions with the readily available resources through improvisation and adaptability entered into the management of various knowledge fields and enterprises in India including teaching and learning methods. Many Indian companies have taken to concept of jugaad or frugal engineering to produce low-cost innovative products.

Now the words like 'jugaad'; 'kar lenge' and 'ho jageyga' which stand for improvisation and adaptability are becoming a part of the vocabulary of western management and engineering sciences when problem is to be solved with limited and frugal resources.

With a good amount of stray studies done on jugaad concept, the knowledge industry is promoting serious research studies to codify and formalize it as a study area. Wait for a few years you will have graduates, post-graduates and doctorates in jugaad or frugal engineering

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