While transacting the module developed in the pre-active phase of three days with a background note and training framework, the resource person Dr Lalit Kishore said, “Pedagogy is the science of teaching and learning to support the innate learning potential of children. Since teaching is a continuum of content, instructional method, and created resources of learning, the conditions in the form of social pedagogy or management of classroom environment and designed learning material along with the appropriate method can be created for learning to happen. Therefore, pedagogy requires the four attributes of science, namely, objectivity, process basing, verification and dynamism to be built into teaching to turn it into a science.”
In the three sessions of the workshop, namely, pedagogy, art-integrated learning and curriculum planning, the participant reacted significantly positive and suggested that from the one-day flavour workshop, the future training needs could be the integrative learning; multiple intelligence based learning, dual code learning, experiential learning, cooperative learning and life skills education
