Organizing a research lesson for lesson study: Basic features
A research lesson is a specifically planned classroom lesson for a session for teaching one's own students for study or action researching in a scientific way.
Basically, a research lesson has the following features classified in terms of three phases of the lesson study
Pre-active phase: Research lesson preparation and readiness phase
· Highly specific teacher-generated objective of a pedagogical practice the teacher wishes to try out
· Discussed and modified in collaboration with one to three more colleagues
· Carefully planned and time framed for a session
· Rehearsed and fine-tuned in presence of collaborating colleagues
Interactive phase: Classroom transaction or action phase
· Transacted in classroom and observed by other teachers
· Evaluative discussion on transaction
· Self-reflection and strengthening the lesson plan for future use
Post-active phase: Review and documentation
· Lesson transaction is recorded for collective analysis and feedback
· Learnings and standardization of the lesson plan attempted
· Writing a lesson study based research paper for person record and dissemination through conferences or journals
