The world over, the language of STEM education is English and has been accepted as the 'lingua franca' of the scientific community and more so in the present digital era.
In India, learning of English has been introduced as second language right from grade one. However, in grades one and two, students learn the language codes and build up the basic vocabulary often through phonic method. But in grade three, the language is used to learn other subjects. It was thought to try out a lesson for grade three students as a bid to integrate STEM into the language class.
It was thought that in the present times, when the life is invaded by digital technology, it becomes incumbent on the classroom teacher to engage students meaningfully and in an interactive way through the STEM language which is fast becoming a part of social learning with digital and smart devices becoming a part of child's social learning.
Consequently, STEM language content was created for grade three students as a two-stanza poem on computer which goes as follows.
A digital device is a computer
When to it data is fed as input
It works on and processes data
To provide a result or an output
Computers get data in bits -n-bytes
A single binary data is just one bit
It reads data made of ones and zeros
Of eight bits, a byte of data consists
On the poem, the vocabulary learning sheets can be created for mastery and drawing the visual code of a comp. Even, simple STEM projects can spin off from the poem such as finding out the that data size of various digital devices at home.
~Lalit Kishore