For students with illegible writing due to stress on fanciful cursive writing has been disapproved by researches [Link 1]. It has been suggested that in inclusive education situation, both normal students and children with special needs, a shift is required for practicing pre-writing strokes suitable for print and printsive writing through an interventionist approach.
The stroke based approach with modelling, assisted practice, guided practice, individual work, remediation and corrective over-practice are necessary for children with LD, DCD and ASD.
Intervention should be carried out through pre-writing strokes, lines and shapes worksheets (see the inset image) will allow children to have a systematic hands-on practice before alphabet writing. The strokes, lines and shapes given in the inset picture are the common strokes found in letters. Intervention through worksheets is good for fine motor development and proper writing of alphabet.
Oamadeusamadues (Link 2) defines printsive as a writing style as a combination of print and cursive writing. The style allows picking up of writning untencil after every letter.
Footnote: Education News Today, Education System in India |Page 1 ...www.merinews.com › lifestyle › education ...Dr. Lalit Kishore | Aug 30, 2018 ... for children with special needs and help in designing intervention for coordination and writing-hand's motor skills for improve