A pyramid poem is an un-rhyming four-line 'sound poem' with successively increasing number of words by one more in each next line.
In such a pattern poem, the first line has one word; the second two words, and so on and so forth. However, the main rule is that each word in the poem must begin with the same sound. In other words, it is more of an alliteration format of pattern poetry which has a rhythmic value.
Besides, the single word each line alliteration poems, grammar-based pyramid poems with phrases as one word-clusters have also tries by teachers using adjectives, verbs etc.
It has been found the creating such topic poems develop cognitive skills related to information processing model of learning. De-structuring information and re-structuring it in new format builds relevant vocabulary and helps in remembering it. Being rhythmic in terms of initial sounding of words, it develops the right hemisphere of the brain and has therapeutic effect. Many educator also deem pattern poetry as contextual pedagogical poetry.
After a monthly study unit transaction, organize poetry jams with different vowel and consonant sounds that come in the beginning of the words.
evolutionary, efficacious
effortful, electric, empathetic
earnest, exquisite, eclectic, egalitarian
effective education
effective education enhances
effective education enhances egalitarianism