Quotes on rationality
All our knowledge begins with the senses, proceeds then to the understanding, and ends with reason. There is nothing higher than reason. ~ Immanuel Kant
I think it’s important to reason from first principles rather than by analogy... [With first principles] you boil things down to the most fundamental truths...and then reason up from there. ~ Elon Musk
Humanity doesn’t perceive better today, it conceives better, and that is purely thanks to mathematics, reason and logic. ~Thomas Stark
Fall of reason is fall of civilization. ~ Abhijit Naskar
Self-awareness and rationality are the two hallmarks of human beings, and their development is the intrinsic aim of education irrespective of the governing system’s hidden agenda. ~ LK
Only Logos – rationalism and idealism – can provide Ariadne’s golden thread to lead us out of the labyrinth of the lunatics where the Minotaur of Madness devours everyone ritually offered up to it. It’s time to slay the Minotaur and make humanity sane. ~Thomas Stark
Inspired haiku
Be not instinctive -
That is animal spirit -
Be not egoistic -
That is devilish spirit -
Shear unconsciousness!
Remember, we are
Thinking, feeling, discerning beings-
We are rational beings!
Think and reason out
Analyse experiences, discern
To be rational
All information
Belief systems be tested -
Test! Be rational!
Activate thinking -
Analyse information
To be rational