According to Yemini, Engel Simon (2023) [1], the Place Based Education (PBE) is 'a pedagogical approach that emphasises the connection between a learning process and the physical place in which teachers and students are located' that 'incorporates the meanings and the experiences of place in teaching and learning, which can extend beyond the walls of the school.'
Glory of the past -
Our roots and our traditions
that's our culture
Cultural learning
place-linked learning by students
real is such knowledge
Our own heritage
our old culture, traditions -
mediums of learnings
ABC's Place Based Education
A: Approach to learning based on local culture, wisdom, arts, crafts, economy and skills
B: Bio-physical, psychological and socio-cultural foundations of education rooted in local culture and traditions
C: Content is drawn from local history, culture, social movements, traditional practices, legacies of the past, literature, role models, community skills, values and occupations
[1] Yemini, M., Engel, L. & Simon, A. B. (2023). Place-based education – a systematic review of literature, Educational Review, https://doi.org/10.1080/00131911.2023.2177260. Retrieved from https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00131911.2023.2177260#abstract