It is heartening to note that STEM education researchers are paying attention towards social pedagogy of STEM instruction. The work of Jaipur based educator and research, Dr Lalit Kishore, was mentioned by in a science education paper uploaded in their website.

The paper “Teachers’ autonomy support and classmates’ support as predictors of students’ basic psychological needs in science” [1] by Sundus Yerdelen and Yasemin Taş has been uploaded that makes the mention. It is the study that investigates the relationship between students’ perceptions of science learning environment or social pedagogy consisting of “Teachers’ autonomy support and classmates’ support while basic psychological needs comprised of relatedness, autonomy.”
In the International Conference on Education in Mathematics, Science & Technology (ICEMST) May 18-21, 2017 / Ephesus - Kusadasi, Turkey, some STEM education research areas have been as follows.·
Interaction of self, peer, and teacher assessment in a collaborative learning process
Knowledge levels about basic science concepts
A content analysis mathematics items
Cooperative learning technique of question jury
Learning science by using enriched out -of-school activities
Teacher perceptions on collaboration for stem integration
Review of research on the misconceptions in mathematics education
Studies on technology supported mathematics instruction in turkey
Expectation and satisfaction of engineering students
A study on representations placed in the middle school mathematics textbooks
Middle-school students’ science curiosity
Science teachers’ self-efficacy levels
Study on mathematical learning activities: a case of function concept
Influence of inquiry based mathematics instruction on students’ skills:
A case of ratio and proportion subject
Ecological analysis of the Turkish mathematics curriculum changes related to the teaching of function concept
An investigation of high school students’ conjecturing processes
An investigation of middle school mathematics teachers’ mission and vision expressions regarding teaching profession
An investigation of middle school students’ rotation of two dimensional geometric figures investigation of the relationship between visual mathematics literacy self-efficacy perceptions and meta-cognitive reading comprehension awareness
An overview of postgraduate theses within the field of science at early childhood education in turkey analysis of argumentation development in laboratory applications based on the argumentation based science inquiry approach
Analysis of in-service training needs in teaching technologies of social sciences teachers
Assessment of mathematics textbooks’ questions according to the cognitive process levels of bloom’s revised taxonomy
Assessment of skill-based questions prepared in the scope of fifth grade scienceapplications course according to pisa proficiency levels attitudes of primary school teachers towards use of technology in education
Beyond classroom boundaries, enhancing marginalized children’s self-concept through learning outside classroom approach
A collaborative intervention by means of instructional planning within highly-contextualized explicit-reflective nature of science instruction
Mathematical competencies through cognitive diagnostic models: a longitudinal real data study
Conceptualization of physics constructs in health science pedagogy: a case study of medical imaging
Students’ understanding of forces and motion
Connecting classroom discourse to students science learning in a reform-based curriculum unit
Counting errors made by preschool children in rational counting
Designation and implementation of an efficient botanic garden visit in order to raise plant awareness and attitude towards plants
Determining of eighth grade students' understanding of solution concept by using context based concept cartoons