Each year on October 14, World Sight Day to awareness about eye health and regular care of eyesight. This year, the theme of the observance is “Love Your Eyes."
However, in school, the linkage of the observance to academic and therapeutic aspects of eyes is needed to taken care of. Both, the gross motor and fine motor skills of the eye should be enhanced for proper reading and some of the play activities related to eye-hands coordination.

The children should be identified with poor hand coordination skills and the games and exercises should be provided to improve the coordination skills.
Hand-eye coordination is the ability to perform movements with the hands while being guided by the eyes. A child’s hands and sight work together to perform tasks.
Buttoning activity
Combing hair slowly in front of mirror
Copying simple shapes or stick drawing
Cupping an eraser tied to a cup
Cutting and pasting
Folding paper of cloth piece
Hamming and stitching a cloth piece with thread and needle
Hitting a suspended eraser with a serving spoon
Keeping a big balloon in air by hitting repeatedly
Origami toys and straw toys
Paper glasses or plastic bottles as bowling
Playing marbles
Ringing objects
Shoe lacing activity
This is a cool bean bag toss set for kids.
Threading beads or refill pieces
Threading the needle
Throwing a catching an eraser
Tossing erase in mug
However, the articles at home or school should be used for such activities as far as possible,