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  • Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

Schools permitted to open for senior classes on voluntary basis under prescribed guidelines

Senior secondary schools have been permitted to reopen schools from 21 September for secondary and senior secondary students for seeking guidance from senior secondary students

Requirements are as follows

  • · Written consent of their parents/guardians/care givers

  • · Staggered timetable

  • · Shorter length school

Strict enforcement of guidelines of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare to reduce the risk of COVID-19 will be by all staff, students and visiting parents as follows.

  • i. Physical distancing of at least 6 feet to be followed as far as feasible.

  • ii. Use of face covers/masks to be made mandatory.

  • iii. Practice frequent hand washing with soap (for at least 40-60 seconds) even when hands are not visibly dirty. Use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers (for at least 20 seconds) can be made wherever feasible.

  • iv. Respiratory etiquette to be strictly followed. This involves strict practice of covering one's mouth and nose while coughing/sneezing with a issue/handkerchief/flexed elbow and disposing off used tissues properly.

  • v. Self-monitoring of health by all and reporting any illness at the earliest.

  • vi. Spitting shall be strictly prohibited.

  • vii. Installation & use of Aarogya Setu App shall be advised to all, as far as feasible.

Some other important requirements are as follows,

  • · Effective and frequent sanitation within the premises shall be maintained with particular focus on lavatories, drinking and hand washing stations/areas.

  • · Cleaning and regular disinfection (using 1% sodium hypochlorite) of frequently touched surfaces (door knobs, elevator buttons, hand rails, benches, washroom fixtures, etc.) to be made mandatory in rooms and other common areas.

  • · Students and staff should be advised to dispose of used face covers / masks in covered bins available at the center. The waste thus generated may be disposed off in accordance with the hazardous waste disposal guidelines.

More details are at website link:

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