Science lesson through multiple intelligences good for students: Study
Source: Dr Lalit Kishore[1]; Date: 19-Sep-2009; Portal:
Note: Reproduced since the portal has been closed
Action research methodology was used by the investigator and CJ for the pedagogical experiment to teach science at the middle school level in the format of theory-into action. The lesson on sound was planned and introduced for its transaction through a straw saxophone experiment as a hands-on or kinesthetic experience.
The codification of the experience was done through verbal-linguistic and visual intelligence inputs. A flow chart was used to reinforce the learnt concept to develop logical intelligence. One page worksheet was used for inter-personal and intra personal intelligence. The planned lesson was transacted in 40 minutes. A sample of 30 students in the age group of 12-13 years studying in grade seven in an urban English Medium School worked as the treatment group for the present pedagogical experiment.
The analysis of students’ reactions was done on three point scale (favourable, neutral, unfavourable reactions) and chi-square non-parametric statistical technique was used since it was an action research study. Students’ reaction to the multiple intelligence method were found significant at 0.01 level (N=30, D.F.=2).
Also, the comments of the students were collected and some of their typical comments were as follows:
I found the new way of teaching interesting since after every 5 to 10 minutes a new activity took place instead of a lecture with certain information written on the blackboard.
I got to know how to create a blank verse of cinquain which makes the main points easy to remember, here is my cinquain : “Sound / Energy, wave / Blowing into a pipe; striking an object; plucking the strings / A sounding body is always in a state of vibrations / Sensation of hearing”. This was a very interesting creation by me.
The visuals and the flow chart made things clear about sound. I found flow chart a good way telling a process. I tried to create my flow chart with the following phrases in the boxes: Striking the body; Production of vibration; Travelling of disturbance or wave in the air; Vibration of the ear drum; Sensation felt by and recorded in the brain.
Worksheet was done by consulting others as well as individually, then and there, in the classroom to revise what has been learnt.

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