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  • Writer's pictureLalit Kishore

Setting the Ball Rolling:Scientific & Technological Literacy Curriculum Guide for Rural Girls

Updated: Feb 19, 2023

ABSTRACT of the paper "Setting the ball rolling: Development of a scientific and technological literacy curriculum guide for single-teacher multi-age girls’ elementary schools" was ACCEPTED FOR PRESENATION AT EASA/KENTON 2006 CONFERENCE, which is being reproduced here for dissemination.


The paper describes the use of balls for development of scientific and technological literacy among rural girls in single teacher multi-age primary school setting. For these schools curriculum guidelines were developed in a participatory manner by the teachers (N=18) in the workshop mode to help them develop and transact hands-on activities using balls to get a feel for processes of science and low level technology. The outcome of the workshop has been in the form of a validated teacher training and support design for the scaling up of the curriculum transaction and empowerment of teachers to carry out the school-based initiative in developing scientific and technological literacy among rural girls. The participating teachers have reported positive reactions toward the activities and opined that the use of balls for scientific and technological literacy has helped in reducing sex-stereotype perceptions of science learning among the rural communities

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