The theory of multiple intelligence has been propounded by Howard Gardner which includes musical intelligence as one of the nine types of intelligence that humans possess and it is related to innate potential that affords individuals to perceive rhythms, pitch, beat, melody, and tones to create, communicate and comprehend meaning through sound. Human brain is wired for music and musicalisation of academic text has both cognitive and non-cognitive gains as a part of total brain education

An advocacy article "Need to make music as a tool for whole brain education by linking it to subject matter" was earlier published in an online periodical [1] by blogger is being reproduced here for dissemination.
Need to make music as a tool for whole brain education by linking it to subject matter, Meri News, Dr. Lalit Kishore 12 July, 2017
According to a study done at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, UK, in an experiment conducted on the basis of two comparison groups data using MRI scans of the brain activities, it has been found that designed physical tasks with music enhance structural connectivity of brain centres, reported a recent news story.
The experimental group consisted of dominant right hand user whose finger movement of left hand with music and brain processes was studied to get the results.
However, the study has implications for both therapists and classroom instructors or teachers in designing specific physical tasks to be performed with musical cues for rehabilitation and cognitive development of children with special needs and general learning, I feel.
It has often been seen that the educational implications of studies on neuro-scientific aspects of learning never reach the classroom since teachers and music-therapists do not design learning activities based on latest research.
I (as author) feel that there is a dire need to develop teachers as action-researchers and reflective teachers who take the implications of studies in neuro-science. The practice of Whole Brain Education (WBE) needs to be brought into the classroom through specifically designed tasks that relate musical cues, physical movement and the subject matter.
"It has been seen that music is not used as tool for learning by and rehabilitation of children. Often, music is merely used as a fad or entertainment in schools. At the most, some teachers use music in classroom to reinforce their bad teaching as break. The purposeful learning tasks and activities need to be designed and implemented for WBE and tried out rather than bringing in music as fad," said Jaipur based educator Prabha Kishore.
Thus, WBE is based on neuro-scientific principles which stress the need for instructional approach that tap into hemispheres, left and right, of the brain. Which means that lessons encourage to visualise, draw, articulate, display, share, create music, construct and act out through their subject matter and concepts therein.